Mountain View Oldest Living Resident Flyer

Honor our city's oldest living resident

Mountain View seeks to identify and collect stories from the life of our oldest resident and highlight history making events that occurred in their lifetime. The oldest resident will be given an honorarium of $250. If applicable, the person nominating the oldest resident will be awarded $100.

Since 1954, the nonprofit Mountain View Historical Association has been preserving and sharing the rich history of Mountain View, California

Entries must be received by September 18, 2024

Oldest Mountain View Resident Search Rules 2024

  1. Must reside in Mountain View at time of application. Past longtime MV residents who moved elsewhere are not eligible.
  2. People who nominate a possible oldest resident do not need to live in Mountain View. They just need to know Mountain View elders.
  3. Forms that do not include contact information for the resident and, if applicable, the nominator will be disqualified. Only forms submitted by the September 18 deadline will be considered.
  4. The Mountain View Historical Association will verify entry information by phone or visit prior to conferring the title of Oldest Mountain View Resident.
  5. The decision of the Mountain View Historical Association is final. Information that emerges after the announcement of the oldest resident will not be considered.
  6. Forms can be submitted to either or P.O. Box 252, Mountain View, CA 94042  No duplicate forms, please.

Printable Form & Flyer

Information flyer (PDF)

For more information, send us your inquiries at

Oldest Person Nomination Form

Oldest Person's Details

Information for the nominated oldest person

Please provide contact information for the person completing this form


Entries must be submitted by September 18, 2024